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Invisalign® takes a modern approach to straightening teeth.

Wahpeton Family Dentistry provides Invisalign for families in Wahpeton, North Dakota. Call 701-642-8566 to contact us or email us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that straightens teeth and corrects bite misalignment. Treatment consists of a set of clear plastic retainer-like trays you wear over your teeth, called aligners. The aligners are virtually invisible on your teeth while shifting them into proper alignment. You’ll wear a series of aligners, each one for about two weeks, until your teeth are in the desired position. Average treatment time takes anywhere from 6 to 18 months.

Benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign is one of the most highly requested orthodontic treatments due to the following benefits:

  • Discreet. The clear aligners are virtually invisible on the teeth. You can straighten your teeth without anyone noticing.
  • Comfortable. The smooth flexible plastic won’t irritate your lips, cheeks, or tongue. Invisalign shifts the teeth gradually to minimize discomfort.
  • Convenient. Invisalign is removable for eating and cleaning your teeth. There are no food restrictions or special brushing or flossing instructions.
  • Shorter treatment. In most cases Invisalign takes less time than braces to straighten teeth.

Are You a Good Candidate for Invisalign?

Invisalign can treat mild to moderate orthodontic cases, but not everyone is a candidate. If you have misaligned teeth, crowding, gaps, overbite, underbite, cross bite, Invisalign may be effective for you. A brief evaluation can determine if you are a good candidate for Invisalign.

Why Choose Wahpeton Family Dentistry?

We believe in providing the highest quality dental care for families, which may include orthodontic treatment for some patients. That is why we offer Invisalign treatment, to provide orthodontic care for our patients without a referral to an orthodontist. We make things convenient for you by providing the evaluation, preparation, treatment, and after care, all in the same location you are already familiar with.

Frequently Asked Questions About Invisalign

How long do I need to wear my aligners each day?
We recommend that our patients wear their aligners at least 22 hours a day. This gives you a couple hours off for eating and cleaning your teeth. The more you wear your aligners, the more effective your treatment will be and the faster it will be completed.
Can adults get Invisalign?
Patients of all ages can get Invisalign as long as it is the best treatment option for you. Many adults choose Invisalign treatment to improve their smile without the metallic look of braces.
How do you clean Invisalign aligners?
Brush your aligners with a soft bristled toothbrush (not the same brush you use on your teeth) and a clear, unscented soap. This will keep them clean without transferring scents or dyes onto your aligners. You can also use cleaning crystals made for clear aligners.
Can you eat with Invisalign?
You should not eat or drink anything other than water while wearing your aligners. Food particles and sugar from beverages can get stuck under your aligners and cause tooth decay.
How long does Invisalign take to straighten teeth?
The average treatment time is between 6 and 18 months. The exact length of your treatment will depend on the severity of your case and the extent of the corrections that need to be made to achieve the proper position of your teeth.
How often are appointments for Invisalign?
You may need to see your dentist for monitoring every 6-8 weeks. This ensures that the aligners are doing their job and that your teeth are shifting into the proper position.
Does Invisalign cost more than braces?
The cost of Invisalign is comparable to the cost of braces now more than it used to be. Cost no longer needs to be a factor in your decision about orthodontic treatment.
Is Invisalign covered by insurance?
If your dental insurance plan includes coverage for orthodontic treatment, Invisalign typically qualifies. In most cases orthodontic treatment is covered with a one time lump sum that is put towards treatment. It may only cover a portion of the cost.

To learn more, call 701-642-8566 to contact us or email us today to schedule an appointment.

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103 9th St N, Ste 2
Wahpeton, ND 58075
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